
ACE Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences

  • ISSN Print: 2520-3916, ISSN Online:
  • Start Year: 2021
  • Volume: 4 (2024), Issue: 1

Demographical Study of Aborted Women Infected With Toxoplasmosis in Basra Province

Author: Shaymaa A. Kjayoon and Dawood S. Mahdi
Page: 13-17
Published online: 06 Jul 2024


Toxoplasmosis is one of the main causes of miscarriage in pregnant women. This research is a case‐control study on 166 serum samples from seropositive and negative aborted women and healthy control (women who have a normal delivery with, no history of abortion). The total number of 166 serum samples (75 seropositive, 45 seronegative and 46 control), aged between 17‐42 years who visited Basra Hospital for women and Children in Basra Province during the period between November 2022‐May 2023. All patients information were involved in the study were recorded in questionnaire form included age, residency, smoking, family history, animals in house, abortion time and birthing time. The results show there is significant difference (P=0.03) between positive aborted women and others group and high significant in family history.