
ACE Research Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

  • ISSN Print: 2520-3975, ISSN Online:
  • Start Year: 2021
  • Volume: 3 (0), Issue: 1

Deciphering the possible anti-breast cancer activity of glutaminase extracted from Acinetobacterbaumannii

Author: Ahmed Ibrahim Rashid, Nedhal Suhail Zbar and Moyassar Basil Hadi Al-Shaibani
Page: 1-13
Published online: 04 Jan 2023


Previous studies have extensively investigated the role of glutaminase as a source for energy for cancer cells. It is well documented that glutaminase convert glutamine to glutamate which is used as a source for energy alongside with glucose and fatty acids. Therefore, previous studies have hypothesized that inhibition of glutaminase will block energy sources and reduce proliferation of cancer cells. To best of our knowledge, none of these studies have investigated the exact level of glutaminase that is required to generate energy for cancer cells. Additionally, none of these studies have investigated the effect of glutaminase on migration of cancer cells. Therefore, it is hypothesized that blocking of glutaminase to reduce energy for cancer cells is superfluousbecause there are other energy sources could support cancer cell proliferation such as glucose and fatty acids. additionally, there are minimal level of glutaminase have no significant effect on proliferation but could inhibit migration of breast cancer cells. Hence, it could be hypothesized that glutaminase could be applied as a target for cancer therapy that inhibits migration of breast cancer cells. Therefore, the main aims of the current review are to shed the light onpossible effect of glutaminase on migration of breast cancer cells using Acinetobacterbaumannii as a source for glutaminase.