ACE Journal of Botany invite original articles, Research articles, Review articles, Case reports, Short communications, and Editorial articles as submissions. Botany is the scientific study of plants. "Plants," to the vast majority, implies an extensive variety of living life forms from the littlest microscopic organisms to the biggest living things the goliath sequoia trees. By this definition plants include green growth, parasites, lichens, greeneries, plants, conifers and blooming plants. Plant science has likewise incorporated the investigation of parasites and green growth by mycologists. ACE Journal of Botany is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes latest information in the field of Botany.
The scope of the journal includes but not limited to: Agronomy, Bryology, Dendrology, Ethnobotany, Lichenology, Mycology, Paleobotany, Palynology, Phycology, Phytosociology, Plant anatomy, Plant ecology, Plant evolution, Plant morphology, Plant pathology, Plant physiology, Plant taxonomy, Pteridology, History of botany, History of plant systematics, Plant Sciences, Crop Science, Bacteriology, Algology and Phycology, Plant Cell Biology, Plant Genetics