ACE Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences invites manuscripts types of Original Submissions, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Short Communications, Perspectives and Editorials. ACE Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences is open access, peer reviewed journal that acquires research all the related fields of Veterinary Medicine. This Journal fundamentally gives most recent examination being completed in the branch of science that arrangement with the counteractive action, finding and treatment of infection, issue and any sort of wounds or sickness in animals. ACE Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences bolsters the investigative development and progression in every related part of veterinary pharmaceutical and exploration group by expanding access to associate checked on experimental writing. ACE Publications also brings multiple internationally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby encouraging knowledge sharing, collaboration and promotion of interdisciplinary science.
The scope of the journal includes but not limited to: Bacteriology and mycology - Behaviour, psychology and animal welfare -Breeding, reproduction and genetics - Epidemiology, public health and modeling - Internal medicine - Musculoskeletal disorders and orthopaedics - Neurological disorders and neurosurgery - Oncology - Parasitology - Pharmacology and toxicology - Physiology, immunology and biochemistry - Regenerative medicine and stem cell research - Soft tissue surgery - Virology and prion diseases - Animal Genetics & Breeding - Animal Nutrition - Animal Production & Management - Veterinary extension education - Veterinary Anatomy and Histology - Veterinary Anatomic Pathology - Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics - Veterinary Microbiology - Veterinary Parasitology - Veterinary Pathology - Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology - Veterinary Physiology - Animal Psychology & Behavior -Veterinary Surgery & Radiology - Animal Husbandry - Veterinary Medicine, Public Health & Hygiene - Wildlife Studies - Livestock Production & Management - Veterinary Diseases - Animal Breeding and Reproduction - Veterinary Virology