ACE Journal of Ophthalmology invites manuscripts types of Original Submissions, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Short Communications, Perspectives and Editorials. Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. Ophthalmology is includes both medical and surgical eye problems as ophthalmologists perform operations on eyes, they are both surgical and medical specialists. ACE Journal of Ophthalmology is an Open Access, peer reviewed Journal that respects the accommodation of unique, beforehand unpublished original copies coordinated to ophthalmologists and visual science pros portraying clinical examinations, clinical perceptions, clinically significant lab examinations, clinical reports of exploration in ophthalmology, including fundamental science examinations and clinical studies.
The scope of the journal includes but not limited to: Retinal Diseases, Surgery/Retinal Disorders, Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Diabetic Microvascular Complications, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Diabetic Retinopathy, Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Brain and Optical Pathway, Congenital Syndromes, Malformations and Abnormalities, Iris and Ciliary Body, Lens and Lids, Sclera, Ocular Oncology, Optic Nerve, Social and Economic Problems of Blind, Ophthalmology Case Reports, Cornea and External Disease, Glaucoma, Neuro Ophthalmology, Corneal Neovascularization, Macular Degeneration, Conjunctiva, Hypertensive Retinopathy, Lacrimal System, Optical Defects of Eye, Strabismus, Ocular Motility Disorders, Optometry, Opticians, Spectacles, Lachrimal Glands, Orbit, Eyeball